Old-fashioned Bubble and Squeak

It’s funny how some humble dishes like this one can be very special simply because of their rarity – so here’s to a comeback for good old Bubble and Squeak!

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to make proper gravy in our video. Just click the recipe image to play.

A picture of Delia's Frugal Food

This recipe is from Delia's Frugal Food. Serves 2

  • method
  • Ingredients


Put the potatoes on to cook in salted boiling water, then half-fill a medium-sized saucepan with some more salted water and bring it to the boil.

Cut the cabbage into quarters, remove the hard stalk and shred the rest. Wash it thoroughly, then plunge it into the fast-boiling water, put a lid on and let it boil for about 6 minutes. Now pour into a colander, put a plate (one that fits inside the colander) on top of the cabbage, place a weight on top and leave it to drain very thoroughly.

When the potatoes are cooked, add some freshly milled black pepper and the butter. Mash them (with an electric hand mixer if you have one) until smooth – don’t add any milk, though because you don’t want them to be too soft. Mix the well-drained cabbage into the potato and, when it is cool, take tablespoons of the mixture and shape into round cakes, which should then be dusted in the seasoned flour. Fry them in hot dripping to a good, crisp, golden brown on both sides. Drain on crumpled paper and serve immediately.

NOTE: You can, of course, make this with leftover potatoes and cabbage or sprouts; also a little chopped fried onion is a nice addition.

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