Potato and Apple Rosti

20 minutes - 25 minutes
to cook

This is extremely good served with pork dishes and really meaty pork sausages.

I think it goes particularly well with Pork braised in Cider Vinegar Sauce (see recipe below) . If you're cooking it for friends, it can all be made in advance and kept in the fridge until needed. And the best news of all is it gets cooked in the oven so there's no last-minute fuss and bother with frying.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to zest and juice citrus fruits in our video. Press the recipe image to play.

This recipe is from Delia's Christmas Easy Magazine 2003 Serves 4

  • method
  • Ingredients


First of all place the scrubbed whole potatoes in a saucepan, add some salt and enough boiling water to just cover, then boil them for 8 minutes (it's important not to over-boil them).

Then drain off the water and while they are cooling you can deal with the apples. First place the lemon juice into a shallow dish, then peel, core, quarter and grate the apples using the coarse side of a grater placed directly over the bowl. When all the apple is grated, quickly toss it well in the lemon juice to prevent it turning brown.

Now peel the potatoes and grate them in the same way, but this time letting the shreds fall into a large bowl. Now transfer the apple to join the potato, squeezing it in your hand to leave any surplus juice behind. Give everything a good seasoning of salt, pepper and some nutmeg and toss the two together to combine them as evenly as possible.

Now using your hands, shape the mixture into 8 small rounds about 21/2 inches (6 cm) in diameter, squeezing firmly to form little cakes that have nice raggedy edges. As you make the little rosti cakes, place them on a plate, then put the flour on another small plate.

Dust each cake lightly with flour, return it to the first plate, then cover them all with clingfilm. They can now sit happily in the fridge for up to 6 hours or until needed. When you're ready to cook the rosti, pre-heat the oven to gas mark 7, 425F (220C). Brush the roasting tray with the melted butter, place the little rosti cakes on the tray and brush the tops with melted butter.

When the oven is up to heat, pop them on a high shelf, give them 10 minutes using a timer, then using a fish slice turn them over and give them another 10-15 minutes, by which time they will be crisp and golden on the outside, cooked through and ready to serve.

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