Spaghetti with Olive Oil, Garlic and Chilli


This one is pure pasta eaten and savoured for its own sake with the minimum amount of adornment – just a hint of garlic, chilli and olive oil.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how to prepare garlic in our video. Just click the image to play.

A picture of Delia's Complete How to Cook

This recipe is from Delia's Complete How to Cook. Serves 2

  • method
  • Ingredients


Begin by putting the pasta on to cook.

Then, just heat the olive oil in a small frying pan and, when it is hot, add the garlic, chilli and some freshly milled black pepper. Cook these very gently for about 2 minutes, which will be enough time for the flavourings to infuse the oil.  You can also watch how to prepare chiilies and garlic in our Cookery School Videos on this page.

When the pasta is cooked, return it to the saucepan after draining, then pour in the hot oil. Mix well, then serve straight away on warmed pasta plates.

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