Welsh Rarebit Souffle

This, if you've got the time, is a Welsh rarebit with a difference.

It's rich golden brown, light and puffy.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Watch how two make your own white bread. Click the recipe image to play.

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This recipe is from Delia's Complete Cookery Course. Serves 3

  • method
  • Ingredients


First melt the butter in a small saucepan, blend in the flour and cook for a minute or two before adding the milk very gradually, stirring all the time.

Let the mixture bubble for 2 minutes, take the saucepan off the heat and stir in the mustard, Worcestershire sauce, a little cayenne, some salt and freshly milled pepper. Next beat the egg yolks, stir them into the sauce and leave it on one side to cool for a minute. Now toast the bread on one side. Then beat the grated cheeses into the sauce mixture. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and, using a metal spoon, carefully fold them into the cheese mixture. Watch how to Separate Eggs in our Cookery School Video on this page.

Cover each slice (on the untoasted side) liberally with the cheese mixture. Pop the slices under a medium grill and when the tops are golden brown, light and puffy, serve at once.

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