Pizza-topped Fish Fillets

12 minutes - 15 minutes
to cook

This is a good family recipe and provides quite an interesting way of offering fish to children.

Young-at-heart adults have also been known to sing its praises. You can use Greenland halibut or hoki instead of cod or haddock.

The Delia Online Cookery School: Have you seen Delia's ingenious method for shallow frying fish?  Just press the recipe image to watch

This recipe first appeared in Sainsbury’s Magazine (Guide to Fish Cookery). Serves 4

  • method
  • Ingredients


To make the pizza topping, place the sun-dried tomatoes in a food processor with 1 tablespoon of their preserving oil and whiz them to a paste.

Then tip the paste into a bowl and add the basil leaves, torn into smallish pieces. The tinned tomatoes should be emptied into a small saucepan and simmered for about 10 minutes until they become thick and reduced. Then combine them with the sun-dried tomato paste and add a good seasoning of salt and pepper.

When you're ready to cook the fish, preheat the grill to its highest setting, wipe the fish fillets with kitchen paper to make them as dry as possible, then spread the tomato paste over the top. Chop the Mozzarella into small dice and sprinkle it on to the fish fillets. Now drain the anchovy fillets, pat them dry with kitchen paper and cut each one in half lengthways. Make a criss-cross pattern on top of the fish with the anchovies and finish off by pressing on the olive halves.

Now, using a fish slice, carefully lift the fish on to a lightly oiled grill rack and position the rack so the fish is approximately 4 in (10 cm) from the heat, placing a sheet of foil on the floor of the grill to catch any drips. Grill for 12-15 minutes, until the fish is cooked and the cheese is browned and bubbling, then serve immediately on hot plates, with warm ciabatta bread and a herb salad with a sharp dressing.

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